For more information, please refer to the links below.

Qijin is a long slender island in Kaohsiung with numerous visitor attractions and is today accessible by both ferry and car. The attractions in Qijin include Qihou Lighthouse, Tianhou Temple, Qijin Seafood Street, and Shell Exhibit at Qijin Seashore Park Visitors Center. 

The routes for Qijin Excursion. There are two routes, one is a shorter route, the other one is a challenging route (including climbing a small hill to reach the Cihou Lighthouse). 

Sea Activities at the Sizihwan Marine Sports Center (6th July)

Sizihwan Bay is known for its beautiful sunset and natural reefs, and the area includes scenic spots like the Siziwan Beach and Seaside Park. As the only university in Taiwan with a beach and seaview, Natinal Sun Yat-sen University is located next to Sizihwan Bay and has The Sizihwan Marine Sports Center to provide exciting sea activities and sports. We will provide professional coaches, instructors, and safety insurance to make sure of your safety while you enjoy the exciting sea activities. You cannot miss it!

Huicheng1967, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

At the north-east of Dashu Township in Kaohsiung City on the left bank of the Gaoping river, a famous tourist destination is located. Here you will find the Buddhist center of South Taiwan, established my Master Hsing Yun and his disciples. 

At present, Fo Guang Shan is not only a famous Buddhist holy place, but also the center of Buddhism in southern Taiwan. The temple buildings are magnificent, and a Buddhist university has been established to promote Buddhism. At the southeastern side of Fo Guang Mountain (Guang Shan) Monastery the most prominent landmark of the region is found: a huge golden statue of Buddha Amitabha which measures some 120 meters. The main square is surrounded by 480 standing Buddha's, while water and mountains form the magnificent scenery. The main structures consist of four temples, namely the Daxiongbao, the Dabei, the Dazhi and the Dashu shrines. The Daxiongbao shrine covers a large area and is the most imposing of all four shrines. The main god of worship here is Sakyamuni, while statues of Amitabha is placed on the left and right sides. More than 10,000 Guanyin statues surround the temple. Buddha statues and lanterns of light rest in the 14,800 holes in the walls of the four shrines. The site counts more than a thousand Buddha statues, large and small. 

Notice: the fee for excursion to Fo Guang Shan will need to be borne individually. 

Authorized photo from Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum. Inside the shining crystal stupa holds one of three tooth relics remaining in the world, currently enshrined in the Jade Buddha Shrine of the Buddha Museum. 

Authorized photo from Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum 


Department of Chemistry,

National Sun Yat-sen University

Center for Green-Energy Key Materials Research, National Sun Yat-sen University

No.70 Lien-hai Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804201


Prof. Jyh-Tsung LEE (Chairman)
Prof. Hsuan-Hung LIAO

Prof. Cheng-Chau CHIU

Prof. Kwan Yin CHEUNG

Prof. Po-Chiao LIN
Department of Chemistry

College of Science

National Sun Yat-sen University

No.70 Lien-hai Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804201

Past Conferences

ANNUM 1: IIT-Delhi, India (Aug., 2011)

ANNUM 2: NTU, Singapore (Oct., 2012)

ANNUM 3: PU, India (Feb., 2015)

ANNUM 4: NUS, Singapore (Jun., 2016)

ANNUM 5: UGM, Indonesia (Jul., 2017)

ANNUM 6: Gifu University, Japan (Jul., 2018)

ANNUM 7: Gujarat University, India (Sept., 2019)

ANNUM 8: Virtual from NTU, Singapore (Jul., 2021)

ANNUM 9: Virtual from University of Delhi, India (Apr., 2022)

ANNUM 10: Virtual from UNSW Sydney, Australia (Feb., 2023)