Upper School
Capstone Showcase 

Spring 2023

Welcome to the Spring 2023 Capstone Showcase! Our Capstone students have devoted an entire semester to independently researching topics they are passionate about.

Below you will find a link to each student's presentation along with a brief video introduction to their projects.

I am so very proud of these students. Enjoy the presentations.

~Sarah Blan, Capstone Coordinator

Alzheimer's Disease Research
Student: Eliana Garcia

Capstone Supervisor: Nurse Lori McCormack
Mentor: Vicki Nejtek, PhD, Associate Professor, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of North Texas

Capstone Supervisor and Mentor: Dr. Heather Peace, Upper School Math and Science

Eating Disorders
Student: Isabella Kaufmann

Capstone Supervisor and Mentor: Kat Scheurer, Registered Dietitian

Capstone Supervisor: Paula Weatherholt, Upper School Assistant Division Head
Mentor: Claire Beck, Interior Designer

Musical Opening Number
Student: Rocco Leoni

Capstone Supervisor: Eric Tysinger, Scott Theater Manager
Mentor: Ben Fisher, Piano Teacher

Capstone Supervisor: Mel Hurst, Upper School Administrative Assistant
Mentor: Rachel Wittich, Wedgewood Academy

Capstone Supervisor: Lisa Wallace, Upper School Student Media
Mentor: Allison Speer, Teacher and Children's Author