Speakers and Facilitators

Mike Huber - Worship Speaker - Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends

If Mike ever gains access to a time machine, he will set course for the 17th Century and follow Mary Fisher through the Ottoman Empire. Mike found his spiritual home with the Quakers at the age of 18. This came as a surprise to everyone (himself included). After earning a philosophy degree from Portland State University and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Seminary, Mike helped start West Hills Friends in Portland, OR. After 30 years of pastoral ministry, he’s excited to begin a new chapter of life with QVS. He has a magical daughter and a highly capable wife. His brilliant son died in 2014, which simply broke his heart in two. He believes in fresh donuts, a sense of wonder and the fearless pursuit of love; but the greatest of these is love.

Jonatan Mamani Tito - Morning Devotions - INELA Bolivia

My name is Victor Jonatan Mamani, I am from the Life and Peace Church, INELA-BOLIVIA Yearly Meeting. I am an evangelical Christian Friend, currently serving a church in the town of Achocalla in the La Paz metropolitan area, where we carry out the ministry of preaching the Word of God and the spiritual strengthening of that church. I am also part of a music ministry, which is an area that I really like, and I am also part of the leadership of a Sunday school teacher training group for our churches.

I have been participating in FWCC activities since 2014 where I was able to serve as a leader of the Bolivian youth who participated in the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage that took place that year in the countries of Peru and Bolivia. I was also part of the Travelling Ministry Corps in 2018 and 2019, where I was able to visit Cuba Yearly Meeting and INELA-Peru Yearly Meeting. At INELA-Peru I participated in the conference of the Coastal Region, where I shared a time of much blessing and building of our faith with our Cuban and Peruvian Quaker siblings.

I previously served as a member of the finance committee in FWCC Section of the Americas and I am currently a member of the convocation committee. It is a great blessing for me to be part of this great family that is the Quaker Friends of FWCC.

Valerie Anderson - Bible Study - Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Valerie Anderson is a group facilitator, art appreciator, and community educator. She has a background in social work and facilitates parenting workshops as well as art appreciation/education workshops that utilizes the arts to generate discussion that helps to heal trauma, affirm identity, and bring about social change.

She has been a volunteer docent (tour guide) at the African American Museum in Philadelphia as well as the Church of the Advocate (a national historic landmark in Philadelphia. She is a member of Green Street Monthly Meeting and a member on the Board of Green Street Friends School.

Abner Garcia - Music Host

Bio and pic coming soon.

Bio and pic coming soon.

Bio and pic coming soon.