Legislation Research

California Legislation

Website: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/home.xhtml 

Having the specific Bill Number will definitely help navigate the multiple search results in a keyword search of the CA Legislation website.  Try a Google Search about a specific California Bill or Law to find a potential Bill Number.  **Pay attention to the year of the bill or law in your Google Search.  


I do not know the name or bill number for the CA Law on jaywalking.  So I Googled:  jaywalking law bill California. 
Within the search results, I was able to find that a recent article (Oct 2022) which explains "The Freedom to Walk Act" aka "AB 2147"

On the CA Legislation website, I typed: AB 2147. 

Key  Pieces of Information of Each CA Bill:  

MLA Works Cited Citation Example for California Bill (AB 2147):

California State, Legislature. Assembly Bill 2147. California State Legislature, 20 October 2022,


In-Text MLA Source Citation Example for multiple California Bills in your Works Cited:
(The first word(s) before the coma, AND the next words that differentiate the CA bills)

(California State, Assembly Bill 2147)

Federal Legislation

Website: https://www.congress.gov/ 

Just like the California legislature website above, having the specific Bill Number will definitely help navigate the multiple search results in a keyword search.  Try a Google Search about a specific federal Bill or Law to find a potential Bill Number for the United States. 

Key  Pieces of Information of Each Federal Bill:  

MLA Source Citation Example for Federal Bill (HR 1808):

United States, Congress, House.  Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. Congress.gov, 

https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1808.  117th Congress.  Passed in House 6 December 2016.

In-Text MLA Source Citation Example for multiple Federal Bills in your Works Cited:
(The first word(s) before the coma, the next word that differentiate the federal bills)

(United States, Assault)