Current Events Research

The following websites and/or databases may help you get current news articles from US Publications.

When you are off campus, you will need to log into each database to access the content.
Database Login (Username and Passwords) - must be logged in to your account to view.

Citing your SF Chronicle or NY Times article (credit EasyBib):

Last, First M. "Aricle Title." Newspaper Title [City], Day Month Year published, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.

***When you are on campus, you do NOT need to log in.   However, there is no off-campus access at all. 

For Science current events - Navigate to "US" > "Science" or "Climate"

*** You will need to log in to view content.  Please see Database Login document linked in blue above. 

Hints for using this database: 

Hints for using this database:

When using Google for your Current Event sources, make sure that the article is published by a vetted source. 
DO NOT use articles that are from non-reputable sources (for example, blogs, Wikipedia, social media, forums, etc).  Media Bias Chart


Please take a moment to look at the top margin for subject specific categories. 

If you are enrolled in a physical science, please look at the "enviro" drop down menu.