Chadbourne Newsletter

Here is a message from our Principal:

Dear Pioneer Families,

A big thank you to all the parents and friends for your kind words, cards and gifts for the holidays. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated by me and the staff at Chadbourne.

As the new year begins, I make it a point to develop some goals. My goal for this new year is to increase some  communication between the school and the community. At this time, I am working on building a email group for all the Chadbourne families. This will allow me to send home weekly communications in lieu of the bi-monthly newsletter. The communication will be available on the web site, as well as in print. I am hoping to begin this process the first week in February.

I hope you all enjoyed your winter break and that you are now ready for the second half of the school year.

Please make sure you encourage our students to follow the school rules, be kind, responsible and safe.  I have amazing students and am proud to be their Principal.

Just a reminder for 3rd - 5th Grade students SBAC will be April 15th - April 26th so please make sure students are at school, well rested and food in their tummies.


Wishing you a Happy New Year!



Mrs. Kimberley Pedrotti



Parking Lot 

The parking lot is for staff only. Please drop off students on the streets curb or park on the street obeying traffic laws and walk your student to the front of the school. Please do not go past the picnic tables or down the corridors. Thank you for your cooperation.  

Smart Devices on Campus

If your student is coming to school with a smart device they need a Usage Agreement filed with the office. Please inquire via email Thank you. 

Dress Code

Lost and Found

Please check the lost and found frequently as it is starting  to get full once it is full we will be donating the items.

Parent Behavior

Please be a good and positive example for our students. Lets make the next generation the best they can be. Please make sure when you are visiting to mind all laws and be courteous to all staff members and neighbors.  Please also show students how to safely use sidewalks and crosswalks, walking bikes on sidewalks and on campus, avoiding walking through all staff parking areas between cars. Also exhibit courtesy when parking,  avoiding blocking any crosswalks, neighbor driveways and garbage cans. Please be kind and courteous to all. Also please be patient while picking up and dropping off students.

2024-2025 Enrollments

Sibling priority enrollment and TK/Kinder priority enrollment will be from January 8 (applications opening, but appointments aren't open until January 22) and goes through March 27. Immersion applications and Science Magnet applications will be available online at that time as well. 

What's Happening at Chadbourne:

Important Dates:

Volunteer Sign up / Civicore Information

If you have any questions please see below first then email Miss Liz Alexander at regarding your question. 

Here is the link to complete CIVICORE. To volunteer in the classroom you will have to apply through CIVICORE at least 2 days before coming on campus for processing. On the CIVICORE site, to volunteer in the class, select "On Campus with Supervision" and provide scan of driver's license or legal ID. For Driver / Chaperones for field trips, at least 7 days before the date of the field trip, you will be applying for "Driver Chaperone and provide current valid driver's license and automobile insurance Declarations Page showing coverage amounts and expiration dates (not insurance card, as it does not contain all required information) with your submission.  If your insurance expiration ends before the date of the field trip, you will need to talk to your insurance provider in order to obtain an updated Declarations page in time.

Please select the type of volunteering you will be doing.

Please attach your current Drivers License. 

Please attach your insurance Declarations page that shows the required information.

Please attach the FUSD Declaration page fully filled out. It can be found here

What's Happening at the District:

Important Updates:

Superintendents Newsletter 

Office Business and Visitor Policy:

Chadbourne is a secure closed campus. Parents may park on the city street, avoiding all staff parking lots, with the exception of the proper use of the Disabled parking space for those clearly displaying a Disabled Placard, and available on a first come first served basis. Parent then bid good day to their students at the flagpole area, then students walk themselves to the playground. Grades 4-6 and drop them close to the flagpole area. Parents may not go on campus without an appointment. From the flagpole area, students may walk themselves to the playground until their class lineup time. Grades 4-6 have first morning recess from 8:05 until 8:15, with a line-up warning bell at 8:12. Grades 1-3 may go to first recess starting at 8:15, then line up at 8:30. Anyone (other than staff and students) must check into the main office before going on campus. If pre-authorized, parents sign into the office, get a Volunteer badge, and stay with the classroom teacher until they sign back out. All visitors / volunteers must be cleared through FUSD Civicore and be pre-approved by the teacher and principal before entering campus.

When possible our office staff prefers to support parents and families via email or phone. Please be sure your children have all of their belongings (glasses, jacket, backpack, lunch, water bottle, etc.) upon school arrival.   If you are needing to drop something on emergency basis for your students, you may bring it to the school office. A notice will be placed in the teachers mailbox. For birthdays, please make sure you have the teachers pre-approval prior to dropping anything off to the office, as we cannot disturb class time unnecessarily.

Chadbourne Bell Schedule

Here you will find the Bell Schedule 2023/2024 Bell Schedule 

All Wednesdays are minimum days: 1st - 3rd 8:30 - 1:15 and 4th - 5th 8:15 - 1:15

Special Early Release / Minimum days: 

Grades 1 - 5:  1:15: 11/14, 11/16, 11/17, 5/30, 5/31

Kindergarten:  11:50:  8/17 - 9/8, 11/14, 11/16 and 11/17, 5/30, 5/31


If you plan to take time off school during the year, please come by our school office to see how the absence could impact your student and their enrollment. To find out vacation days provided during the school year, the FUSD Instructional Calendar is available on the FUSD site. In order to accurately record your students' attendance, law obligates parents to report the reason for all absences daily to the Chadbourne Attendance Office. The Chadbourne Attendance Voicemail is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week by dialing 510.656.5242 and quickly pressing option #7 to leave a voicemail before 9:00 am. This is the preferred centralized method of reporting all attendance information, as emails could be missed or go to our JUNK/SPAM folder and we want to make sure we do not miss your information. Positive COVID results should all be reported to the school for tracking purposes.

Please keep your student home and call to report their absence if you suspect or know they have a positive COVID result or any contagious conditions such as: possible pink eye, unknown skin rash, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive runny nose, sore throat, persistent cough, lice. Students should stay home until symptoms are resolved and they are able to go without medication at least 24 hours before returning to school. If absences are 3 days or more, a doctor’s note is requested on the 3rd day, so if symptoms persist, we recommend discussing with your medical provider.

If your student is sent home or reported with a positive COVID result, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, those symptoms must be resolved without medication at least a full 24 hours without medication before returning to school. If symptoms persist when they return, they could be sent back home for more recovery time

Whether or not absences are considered excused is determined by FUSD policy. When you know you will be taking time off ahead of time, as an alternative to calling the Attendance Voicemail, you can come by the office to complete an "Advance Absence Notification Form" to report the absences to the school office. The form only acts as an alternative form of reporting absences, but does not make the absences excused. Teachers are not responsible for reporting absences to the Attendance Office for parents.

If we do not hear from you by 3:30 the same day as the absence, then we will not know whether or not the student is ill. They will not be able to return to class / back on campus until we receive that information. To check your student back into school a parent should come with the student to the school office to get their clearance when they are ready to come back on campus. If you forget to report either of those methods mentioned above, you will receive the automated attendance call. This is your reminder to report to the Attendance Line voicemail. Attendance voicemail messages are picked up regularly throughout the day between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 

Attendance is reconciled by the end of every school day. If you do not call to report your students attendance information before 3:30 the same school day, then the attendance will be marked as "Unexcused - Called /  left messages / email, no reply with reason", counting as a Truancy, so reporting full information properly is key for Attendance accuracy. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: When we do not have the reason for the absence by the end of the school day the date of the absence, the teacher will receive a notification letting them know the student should be cleared by the office before returning to their class. If this happens, then the student should be brought to the school office by parents to obtain the reason for the absence in order to be cleared to return to class. 

If you have reported to the Attendance Voicemail, but still receive the automated call or Chadbourne Attendance emails, then it is possible that:

* -  Reports of "allergies", "cold" or "not feeling well" were missing specific symptoms. Stomach issues please clarify whether nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting, gas, etc. "Tired" is the same as "Fatigue". Students must be feeling better 24 hours without any medication without any fever / vomiting / diarrhea before returning to school. 

* - The voicemail message left had reason for absence missing,

* -  "Family emergency" or "personal reason" unspecified / not clarified (only certain specific reasons qualify for Personal Excused absence), 

* - for an appointment, type of appointment was not mentioned (for medical / dental appointments, please see Medical Excuse / Visit Verification below),

* - message could not be heard (broken signal / static) on call. Please call back before 3:30 the same day to confirm your students information was properly recorded.

If your students’ absence is Unexcused according to FUSD Attendance Policy, you will automatically receive the automated calls / text messages and automatically generated Truancy letters.    

MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS: If your child is absent or tardy due to a medical / dental reason or went to a doctor / dentist appointment, you can bring the printout of your student's Absence Excuse / Visit Verification letter to be documented. Please make sure any doctor / dental excuse note includes the Medical Provider's name, student's full name and clear full dates of care, with specified end and/or re-evaluation date. Reminder: We can not accept documentation with open ended dates, appointment reminders or the treatment paperwork.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. 

Breakfast, Lunch, and Water Bottles

School lunch and breakfast are currently free to all. Lunch / breakfast menus are available on the FUSD website under Resources / Child Nutrition. Most days offer both vegetarian and meat options, with days showing only one option being a vegetarian option. Breakfast will be available for students on school days from 7:45-8:20 AM in the multi-use room. Students must arrive at school early enough to finish their breakfast and still make it to class on time. If they are late due to breakfast, the tardy will be Unexcused. 

Lunches are ordered in the morning when attendance is taken. Hopefully, students remember their lunches and water bottles daily. Please remember that, for safety, NO GLASS CONTAINERS may be brought to school. Please let your student know that if they notice that they have forgotten their lunch, they are suggested to order school lunch in class to make sure there are enough lunches for all. All classes will eat their lunches in the outdoor eating area except on rainy days.  Students should bring a pre-filled labeled water bottle to school daily. Students may refill water bottles at our refilling station as needed.

If in an emergency a parent must bring lunch for their student, then parents may leave the lunch / water bottle on the lunch carts outside the multi-purpose room with the students full name and room number before 11:00 AM for the student to pick up at lunch time. Parents may not wait outside the lunch room to talk to the student, just drop of the lunch / water bottle on the cart and go. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!