Ms. Jacobson

Phys. Ed.


About Me:

I have been teaching a LONG time at Horner.  I started in 1998 and never left.   At first I taught Math and Science (which I enjoyed way more than I thought I would), and then just Science.  Finally in my 18th year, I switched to the subject I had originally intended to teach - Physical Education!!  I love what I do, (apparently), and I hope that my students enjoy their experience in my class.

Contact Information:  (Note:  I prefer email since I am usually outside and away from our shared locker room phone.)

Phone: (510)656-4000 (ext: 48255)


Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule 2023-2024 


Ms. Jacobson's Syllabus 

PE Department Policies and Expectations

California PE Standards (Redirects to CDE website)

PFT (Physical Fitness Testing) Information

PFT Testing Window

Horner MS and FUSD Information


We at Horner Middle School, envision a future in which every student receives an effective,

equitable, and engaging education that allows them to reach their full and unique potential.


At Horner Middle School our mission is to provide students with the Knowledge, Tools, and

Skills they need to master content standards, make effective decisions, and collaborate with others,

which will enable them to be successful lifelong learners.

Knowledge;Tools; Skills = Master, Make, Collaborate!

Dress Code

Dress Code


Students are expected to attend school everyday.  The FUSD goal for attendance is 95% or higher.  If for some reason a student is absent, their parents must call the office explaining why they are out of school.  Parents should be specific about the child’s symptoms when calling into the school so that we can code the absence appropriately and take necessary action to ensure everyone’s safety.  California law requires regular attendance at school.  If you are not in school regularly, there could be disciplinary actions that could result from you not attending school.  


Unexcused absences are those absences that are not verified by a parent/guardian and that do not meet the California codes for excused absences.  Those codes are available in the parent handbook.  Unexcused absences may result in disciplinary consequences or a referral to SARB.


 Any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant (Education Code 48260).  After a student has been declared truant, any subsequent absences or tardiness that are unexcused will also be declared truancies.  Students with excessive truancies will be reported to the district’s office of Student Support Services, and the parent will be contacted.  Unresolved truancies may result in the student and parent/guardian being referred to the FUSD Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). This may also lead to a hearing held at the Fremont Police Station.


Students arriving late to school after the tardy bell for period 1, should go directly to the office for a pass to class.   All students are required to get a pass from the office to enter period 1 after the tardy bell rings.  Students have  passing time  from one class to the next.  Students who are not in their classrooms by the tardy bell , will be marked tardy by the teacher.  Any student who arrives to period 2-6 more than 5 minutes late, will be sent to the office for a pass to explain why they were tardy to class.  Students will then be admitted into their class with a late pass from the office.   Students with excessive tardies will receive after school detentions.

Horner MS Expectations

Horner School-Wide Expectations

SBAC testing 2024

April 29 - May 17

Block schedule will take place on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday during testing window. Wednesday will be regular minimum day schedule.