Lost or Damaged Books

If a book is lost or becomes damaged it is the responsibility of each student and his/her family to pay the replacement cost. Damaged books are those that are damaged beyond repair, in excess of normal wear-and-tear. This includes books that get wet from liquids or food, books that are scribbled/drawn in, and books with excessive tears (from pets or younger siblings).

Overdue book notices will be sent home as needed. If books cannot be found or are damaged, the fines for each book will be noted on the overdue slip. Generally speaking, the fine for hardcover books is $25 and the fine for paperback books is $10. The fine for paperback graphic novels is $15.

You have two payment options:

You also have the option of buying a new copy of the lost book (note hardcover books must be replaced with a hardcover book).  Amazon is a great resource and often less expensive than the district fines. Please contact me if you’d like to purchase a replacement copy.

See CONTACT for ways to reach me.