Athletic Code

General - Athletic Code

A. I will meet all eligibility and athletic requirements:

1.   The successful completion of a minimum of twenty units of academic work during the grading period preceding this sport: also, a 2.00 grade point average.

2.   Students falling below a 2.00 grade point average but above a 1.75 grade point average will be placed on academic probation for the next grading period.  A student receiving an N/C grade in any class is placed on probation no matter what his/her grade point average. 

3.   A student will be deemed ineligible if he or she is under a 1.75 grade point average or is on probation for two consecutive grading periods.

4.   A record of consistent attendance, punctuality, and academic effort in all classes during the season (I recognize that this includes making prior arrangements for all class work missed because of this activity).

5. If placed on the restricted list, the student will not be allowed to participate in any team functions, not limited to practices, games, etc. until removed from the list by the appropriate administrator.

6. In order to participate in a practice or game, the student must attend more than four periods of the school day on the day of the event.


B.  I will accept the following code of behavior since what I say and what I do reflects upon not only myself, but upon the team and Mission San Jose High School.

 1.   I will avoid those habits (I.E., smoking, chewing tobacco, using illegal drugs, misusing prescribed drugs and drinking alcoholic beverages) which create a poor image of me, my teammates, and my school.

First Infraction- immediate suspension from next contest.

Second Infraction- immediate suspension from the team for the next two-week time frame.  This includes all practices, team events, and contests that the team participates in.

Third Infraction- student is immediately removed from team for remainder of season.

 2.  Since another goal of athletics is sportsmanship, I will control my words and actions so that I always appear in control of myself.

 3.  For any team to be competitive, it’s members must consistently be cooperative, therefore:

C. If I must miss practice or a contest, I will notify my coach in advance.

D. I will accept the financial responsibility for the care and maintenance of all equipment and uniforms issued to me.

E.  I may not try out for another sport until all equipment and uniforms have been checked in.

F.  If I am dismissed or quit a team after the first 2 weeks, I cannot participate in another sport until the team I was participating on completes their season including playoffs.

G.  Hazing/Initiation Rituals Zero Tolerance

The administration of this school has made it clear to coaches, parents, and athletes that hazing and initiations are never to be a part of our program.  The administration of Mission San Jose High School has adopted a “Zero Tolerance” policy in regards to the hazing or initiating of students and athletes into clubs or teams.

Any student who participates or who witnesses and does not attempt to stop or report the violation is subject to disciplinary action.  If the violation is severe enough the disciplinary action could be possible legal action.


H. Acts Detrimental to the Good of the School
(I.E., fighting, stealing, and being disrespectful to students, teachers or administrators).

If a student is involved in an act which is deemed detrimental to the good of the school his or her participation on the athletic team is subject to termination immediately.


I. Member of the CIF, NCS, MVAL
Being an athlete at Mission San Jose high School, we fall under the jurisdiction of our league, Mission Valley Athletic League; our section, North Coast Section; and the California Interscholastic Federation.  All rules and bylaws administered by these associations are understood and will be enforced.

All cases will be looked at on a case-by-case basis.  A decision will come from the Principal, the Athletic Director and the Coach.