Frequently Asked Questions

About Books

How many books can I check out?

You can have up to 10 items checked out at a time. If you want to check out more books, please bring back your old books!

Where should I return books?

There is a book drop right beside the library entrance on the inside. Drop the books you want to return through the slot and they will be checked in/returned by the end of the day (as staffing permits).

When do I have to return books/how long are books checked out?

All books have a loan period of 3 weeks, except for graphic novels/manga, which have a loan period of 1 week.

The book I'm looking for is already checked out by someone else, what do I do?

Come to the library and ask to put the book on hold. Whenever it comes back to the library, library staff will set it aside for you. In extraordinary circumstances, library staff can request the book from a different school library in the district. We also recommend checking your local public library for availability!

How long until my hold is ready?

Depends on when the book is returned! Regular loan periods are 3 weeks, so you at most will get it in 3 weeks, unless the student who has it checked out fails to return it on time. 

What happens if I lost an AHS library book or can't find the book I checked out?

Please note: Students cannot graduate without a cleared library record!

If you lost or can't find your library book, you have 3 options:

Can I borrow a textbook from the library?

Yes! Please exchange your ID card for a textbook. Library textbooks must stay in the library.

Can I renew an item?

In most cases, yes. If an item is a regular book (so not graphic novel/manga) AND has no holds on it, it can be renewed for another 3 weeks. Books with holds on it and graphic novels/manga cannot be renewed.

How can I check what books are available in the library?

Check out the library catalog:

When are my books due/What books do I have checked out?

Come to the library to ask OR check out the library catalog: 

About Computers and Printing/Copying/Scanning

Can I print/copy/scan things?

Yes! We have a printer/copier/scanner in the library. It only prints in black and white. Simply log onto one of our many library computers and print your document from there. Please print double-sided if printing multiple pages!

IF YOU ARE PRINTING DURING FLEX, please come in during the last 10 minutes of the period. 

How many pages can I print?

About 10 pages. Please do not print for non-academic purposes (example: flyers for clubs). See librarian or LMT for other printing questions.

Can I use a Chromebook?

Yes! If before school, during lunch, during brunch, and after school, please come to the desk and exchange your ID for a Chromebook. 

About Other Things

I came to the library during library hours but the doors are closed!

This is because there are too many people in the library. You must wait for someone to leave before you can enter. We love that the library is a popular, safe, and welcoming place for all students! However, the library has a maximum occupancy limit for safety. Library staff must also be able to effectively monitor the students in the library.

Can I come to the library for Flex/where can I sign up for Flex at the library?

Yes! Please sign up through Teachmore under "Katherine Do" or "Vea Tebangin". Flex is first come, first served. You MUST make an appointment. Please find more information in our "About Flex" page.

Can I volunteer/do service hours at the library?

Yes! Please contact Ms. Vea ( for more information.

Teachers: Can I bring my class to the library?

Yes! Please contact one of the library staff or come to the library to reserve a library time. 

Teachers: What can my class do during library time?

You can let them browse around and check out books. When signing up for library time, you can also choose to reserve desktop computers for student use, tables + Chromebooks, or both!