Social Studies

Current Unit: Declaration of Independence

Target: Apply the ideas of inalienable rights, popular sovereignty, and natural rights to explain the purpose and legacy of the Declaration of Independence.

Why do we have a Declaration of Independence?

Click on the video above to find out the meaning of the Declaration of Independence.

Click on the link above to find an article on NewsELA. You may need to create a free account to access this article.

What is the legacy of the DOI?

Watch the video above to learn more about the legacy of the DOI.

Next Unit: Revolutionary War

Target: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the American and British armies to explain why the Americans won the war.

McGraw-Hill Online SS Textbook

Students will be able to access this by going through ClassLink. More directions for this site will be posted on Google Classroom.

Revolutionary War Interactive Battle Map

Check out this amazing site that takes you through all of the battles of the war!

The Continental Army

Check out this video to learn more about how the Continental Army worked together to defeat the British.

Surviving Valley Forge

Use this video to learn about the resiliency of the Continental Army.

Current Events

CNN 10 - Student News

Use this YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the world. The news is presented in a kid-friendly way!