3rd Grade ELA
Course Description
Students in 3rd grade will experience
a balance of literature and informational texts in a variety of topics and texts;
have discussions about texts that support language development and knowledge building;
using texts, printed and visual, develop readers’ concepts of how meaning is conveyed through reading and writing; and
expand students' ability to make meaning of increasingly complex text.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Classic Tales
Students are exposed to descriptive paragraphs and characters to explore themes and discuss character traits. Students will determine elements of fictional narratives, discuss literary tools and identify theme.
Unit 2: Animal Classification
Students will classify animals to develop the essential skills of organizing, analyzing, and understanding data. Research is conducted to support informational writing.
Quarter 2
Unit 3: The Human Body
Students focus in detail on the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems of the human body and how they are interconnected. Students will learn about the senses of sight and hearing and how the eyes and ears work.
Unit 4: Ancient Roman Civilization
Students will read and analyze ancient Rome’s influence and contributions to our society today. They will learn about the geography, history and culture including the rise and decline of the Roman Empire.
Unit 5: Light and Sound
Students will learn about the properties of light and sound, how light and sound travel in waves, and how both can be manipulated by various instruments, such as magnifying glasses, microscopes, and telescopes.
Quarter 3
Unit 6: The Viking Age
Students will be introduced to the people of the Viking Age: the men, women, and children who spoke the old Norse language and lived in Scandinavia.
Unit 7: Astronomy
Through reading and listening, students will explore our solar system, galaxies, and the universe. Students determine the difference between a hypothesis and a theory, including the Big Bang theory.
Unit 8: Native Americans
Students will learn how some Native Americans first migrated from Asia to North America and how their ways of obtaining food changed over the years. Students will learn how people adapted to the environment of the region in which they settled and how that shaped their cultural identity.
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Early Explorations of North America
Students will learn about the motivations behind European exploration, how those motivations changed over time, and how the European explorers and settlers interacted with the Native Americans already inhabiting the continent.
Unit 10: Colonial America
Students will analyze the way in which the climate, geography, and motivations of the settlers influenced life in the thirteen colonies. They will be introduced to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War.
Unit 11: Ecology
Students will develop an understanding of Ecology through animal habitats and taking care of the earth. They will learn about food chains, the balance of nature, changes to the environment, and protecting the environment.
* All Essential Learning Targets are covered throughout each instructional unit.
Foundational Skills
I can know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. (RF 3.3)
I can read with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension. (RF 3.4)
I can read with sufficient rate to support comprehension. (RF 3.4)
I can develop and answer questions to locate relevant and specific details in a text to support and answer. (R 3.1)
I can determine a theme or central idea and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize portions of a text. (R 3.2)
I can communicate ideas and information to write an opinion, informative, or narrative text. (W 1-3)
Speaking and Listening
I can participate in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults. (3SL1)
I can understand and use simple and compound sentences in speech or writing.
I can generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words.