Computer Applications
course description
This course is designed to develop 21st century computer literacy skills. Students will work on laptops and be trained to utilize two Microsoft Office programs – Word and Excel – to help improve computer and communication skills. Students will use both programs to create, edit, and format professional business documents. Topics include computer and network fundamentals, advanced formatting, business letters, tables, workbooks/worksheets, and working with and organizing various types of data. Learning to produce professionally formatted documents will help students to be successful in high school, college and to prepare them for the workplace.
Quarters 1 or 3
I can demonstrate my ability to...
create a new Word document and save it in the appropriate location with the appropriate file name.
edit an existing document.
identify essential elements of a Word document and navigate through each part.
identify and use basic tools within a word processing document.
apply advanced document formatting such as utilizing and editing graphics, creating, modify and formatting tables, etc.
create a variety of business documents
Quarters 2 or 4
I can demonstrate my ability to...
create a new Excel document and save it in the appropriate location, with the appropriate file name, and sheet tab name.
edit an existing document.
identify essential elements of an Excel document and navigate through each part.