Vectare Minibus Booking

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Here is a helpful guide on how to use our Vectare minibus system. The system allows parents to book their children onto our school buses, reserving a space on a termly or adhoc basis in a safe and secure booking system.

Please note: The billing system is still being tweaked so Mrs Webster will be invoiving at the start of each term as in previous years.

Creating an account

Click on the Fulneck Bus Website link above and click SIGN UP. The account will be created in the parents' name allowing you to book for more than one child using the same account.

Once the account is live you can download the APP from the links above and log in using your mobile device.

if the links do not work you can search for VECTARE PASSENGER APP or VECTIVE PASSENGER APP.

Navigating the APP

Once logged in you are presented with the above screen.

Routes : This allows you to see each route and each stop including the approximate time of arrival.
Tracking : When you have booked a journey for your child the tracking facility allows you to see where the bus is in realtime.
Calendar : Shows the journeys booked, allowing you to cancel any unneeded trips due to illness or absence.
Book : Takes you to the booking screen (see below)
Contact us: Sends an email to Vectare and the school if needed.
Map : Click to download a PDF of the school routes

Booking a jouney

You can book a journey on either the APP or the website, both work in a similar way.

Once you click BOOK NOW you are presented with the following screen with the option of Regular Trip or Single Trip.

The regular trip allows you to book per term or for the whole year, the single trip gives you the option to choose individual days.

Note: In both options, you can create multiple trips, for example. If you are going to use the bus Monday to Friday every morning but only use the afternoon journey for the first term then you would create your Monday to Friday AM journey and then click add journey to add just the afternoon trips.

This is also true for Single trips. If you just need the bus for a few random days you can select each journey individually then just add another after each one.

This is a much better way than creating multiple ordered.

After you have verified your details you can select the students for the journey. If this is the first tiem you have used the app then you will need to create a student by clicking click here to create one. The only details needed are the name and year group, the email and telephone are optional.

Once you have selected your child you can chose the route, the stop, the days and the time frame required.

When you have finished click book now and the journey is set. If you receive an error when trying to book please use the contact us form and we can investigate.

Once the journey has been booked you can see the journey in the calendar by selecting the day. The X next to the name allows you to cancel the trip. This is very important as it will sync with the driver's device notifying him that he doesn't have them in his bus for that trip.

Changing a stop

If you need to change a stop for some reason you need to use the web version of the app for ease of use but this can be achieved using the APP by doing the following.

On the APP click Book now

Click HOME, this will bring up the full list of options for your account


This will show you the orders you have placed under your account, if you have multiple children then they should all be listed here.

Click the order you want to change and click the name of the traveller. This will bring up a list of all the journeys associated with the order.

If you want to change all the stops for this order click the bus stop symbol at the right of their name.
If you want to just change specific days then click the bus stop symbol at the right of the day you want to change.

Please note that this needs to be done by the parent and not the driver so please plan ahead to help us. If in doubt, contact the driver.

Cancelling a journey

In the event you need to cancel a journey for any reason please use the calendar button in the APP.

If you no longer need the bus service for longer periods please use the contact us button and we can proceed at our end.

If you need to contact us regarding the system please use the contact us button on the app or the website and we will look into it.

If you have any feedback or need help then we are happy to help.