Editorial experience

Guest editor for the special issue 'Resilience of tropical dry forests to extreme disturbance events: An interdisciplinary perspective from long-term studies' published in Forest Ecology & Management, vol. 426, 2018

Peer-reviewed articles (lab members in bold)

16. Rojas N, Yépez E, Garatuza-Payán J, Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Sánchez-Mejía Z, Vargas R. Interannual variability and environmental controls on carbon and water fluxes in an old-growth tropical dry forest. In prep for a special issue in Journal of Geophysical Research

15. Larraín-Barrios B, Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Faúndez L, Búrquez A. Topography shapes local plant community and trait structure in the extremely arid Atacama and Baja California coastal fog deserts. Acta Oecologica, in review

14. Álvarez-Yépiz JC. 2020. Restoration ecology in the Anthropocene: Learning from responses of tropical forests to extreme disturbance events. Restoration Ecology, accepted

13. Bojórquez A., Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Búrquez A, Martínez-Yrízar A. 2019. Understanding and predicting frost-induced tropical tree mortality patterns. Global Change Biology 25: 3817-3828

12. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Búrquez A, Martínez-Yrízar A & Dovciak M. 2019. A trait-based approach to the conservation of threatened plant species. Oryx-The International journal of Conservation 53: 429-435

11. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Martínez-Yrízar A & Fredericksen T. 2018. Special issue: Resilience of tropical dry forests to extreme disturbance events. Forest Ecology and Management 426: 1-6

10. Martínez-Yrízar A, Jaramillo VJ, Maass M, Búrquez A, Parker G, Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Araiza S, Verduzco A, Sarukhán J. 2018. Resilience of tropical dry forest productivity to two hurricanes of different intensity in western Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 426: 53-60

9. Parker G, Martínez-Yrízar A, Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Maass M, Araiza S. 2018. Effects of hurricane disturbance on a tropical dry forest canopy in western Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 426: 39-52

8. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Búrquez A, Martínez-Yrízar A, Teece M, Yepez E & Dovčiak M. 2017. Resource partitioning by evergreen and deciduous species in a tropical dry forest. Oecologia 183: 607-618

7. Álvarez-Yépiz JC & Dovčiak M. 2015. Enhancing ecosystem function through conservation: threatened plants increase local carbon storage in tropical dry forests. Tropical Conservation Science 8: 999-1008

6. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Búrquez A, Dovčiak M. 2014a. Ontogenetic shifts in plant-plant interactions in a rare cycad within angiosperm communities. Oecologia 175: 725-735

5. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Cueva A, Dovčiak M, Teece M, Yepez E. 2014b. Ontogenetic resource-use strategies in a rare long-lived cycad along environmental gradients. Conservation Physiology 2: doi:10.1093/conphys/cou034

4. Siefert A, Ravenscroft C, Althoff D, Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Carter E, Glennon K, Heberling M, Jo I, Pontes A, Sauer A, Segraves K, Willis A, Fridley JD. 2012. Scale dependence of vegetation-environment relationships: a meta-analysis of multivariate data. Journal of Vegetation Science 23:942–951

3. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Dovčiak M, Búrquez A. 2011. Persistence of a rare ancient cycad: Effects of environment and demography. Biological Conservation 144: 122-130

2. Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Martínez-Yrízar A, Búrquez A, Lindquist C. 2008. Variation in vegetation structure and soil properties related to land use history of old-growth and secondary tropical dry forests in northwestern Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 256:355-366

1. Sánchez-Carrillo S, Álvarez-Yépiz JC. 2008. Viability of constructed mangrove wetlands for shrimp pond effluent treatment in Latin America. Revista Latinoamericana de Recursos Naturales 4: 17-30

Popular science articles

Álvarez-Yépiz JC, Martínez-Yrízar A. 2015. Huracanes, sequias y heladas: Eventos climáticos extremos en México. Oikos= 15: 6-11 Click here to download (in Spanish)