Autism Resources

The Autism Society of San Diego

UNC FPG Child Development Institute Autism Team

A resource that includes visuals, recommendations for learning tools, other resources that can be used in the classroom and at home

TEACCH website

Link to the TEACCH training and resources

Child Mind Institute

Links to help understand autism and strategies used to work with student's with autism

Military One Source

Information about the Exceptional Family Program for student's with special needs through the Military


Resources for evidence based practices for students with autism


AFIRM has video training modules to help you learn more about evidence based practices in the area of behavior.

Social Thinking

Material developed by Michelle Garcia Winner material on social thinking which includes Thinking about YOU thinking about ME, Social Detective, Social Behavior Mapping, Superflex, and Zones of Regulation

How to ABA

Behavior resources that includes teaching strategies, apps, and printable materials

Able 2 Learn

Free downloadable resources that include visual schedules, stories, visual cues, and activities