Welcome to

Mrs. Taylor's

7th grade

Virtual Academy Classroom

Parents and students,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! I am very excited to partner with you and your child for a successful virtual academic school year. I encourage you to check weekly for your child updated grades through the parent portal. I encourage you to email me at neldat@fsusd.org if you have any questions or concerns. Each day assignments and/or classroom announcements will be updated in Google Classroom. Looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Taylor

Google Classsroom


Please check Google Classroom every day for assignments of the day and make sure to read the directions within Google Classroom to see where to submit each assignment. Depending on the subject, the submission may be turned in different platforms for example: Science is turned in through Amplify via Clever, Math might be turned in through Formative link via Google Classroom, SpringBoard might be turned in through Google Classroom or SpringBoard, and History may be through TCI through a link posted in Google Classroom. All assignments are posted in Google Classroom via a link that is attached to the assignment for each subject and Google Classroom only serves as a management system that delivers your links for assignments. Think of it as an agenda of all your work. Once you turn in an assignment make sure to mark it as done in Google Classroom, but never mark an assignment as done if it has not been turned in digitally. Marking an assignment as done does NOT give you a grade for the assignment, the grade will appear in Aeries and where ever the assignment was submitted (Amplify, Formative, TCI, SpringBoard, etc). Once we get started and set a daily routine you will understand the process.

Our Virtual Academy 7th grade classroom schedule

2022-2023 School Calendar

Our class syllabus

Weekly Newsletter