Storyboard\or movie\or both


By Christian Gordon, Alex Isom, and Nathan Liu.

Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a know-it-all, rich robot named Peter Bot. One day he was walking around the outside of Robot town, a robot named Thief Bot crept up behind Peter and stole his wheel and ran up the mountain, that was next to the town, and placed his wheel at the very top.

Peter Bot: “What the-”


Narrator: Thief Bot yelled as he ran away.

Peter Bot: “Where did that thief go?”

Peter Bot: “Wait a minute I’m the smartest bot on the planet, I know where he went!”

Narrator: He starts to make his way up the mountain struggling with his one wheel then sees a Mountain bot.

Mountain bot: “What’s you doin’ up here city boy!”

Peter bot: “I’m looking for my wheel, someone stole and placed it on the mountain.”

Mountain bot: “Oh I thought I were lookin’ at a wheel goin’ down the hill a minute ago.”

Peter Bot: “No you’re wrong, I’m the smartest, I know it’s still there.”

Narrator: So Peter bot continued up the mountain ignoring the Mountain bot and sees yet another Mountain bot.

Peter Bot: “I’m close to the top but I still got a little while to go.”

Mountain Bot: “Get off me land that ye stand on!”

Narrator: Peter Bot just ignored him and rolled right past the Mountain bot.

Peter Bot: “Geese, these Mountain Bot’s think they know everything, but I know everything not them, haha.”

Mountain Bot: “Hey, you there, why so fer up her?”

Peter Bot: “I’m going up the mountain to get my wheel that a thief stole.”

Mountain Bot: “Ye shud jus’ go

Narrator: Peter Bot finally gets to top of mountain, but wheel is at the bottom.

Narrator: Peter Bot finally gets wheel after coming to bottom of mountain.

Narrator: Camera zooms out to show two middle schoolers playing with robots.

Middle Schoolers: “Uuuu…”