Armijo GSA Executive Members 2023-2024

Chairpersons: Genesis McCall & James Hunt

Secretary/Treasurers: Ash Kearns & Trang Vang

Genesis McCall 

James Hunt

Ash Kearns

Trang Van

GSA Mission Statement

The members of the club hope to increase awareness and acceptance on campus and in the community, especially for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning/queer students and their friends and support systems. Through club activities, we would like to bring together people of many backgrounds and support each other in our social and educational goals. The club is open to anyone who supports and advocates for LGBTQ+ youth and their families.

 GSA Events At A Glance:


At the beginning of every school year, GSA recruits new members at the school Club Fair. It is a great place for older members  to talk to and invite new members. There are always a lot of rainbows at our booth.

Ally Week: a time to show support for LGBTQ+ students and staff. And a time for LGBTQ+ students to tell allies how they can help them. At Armijo  you may see Ally Week Posters made by GSA members. In 2020 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) is moving Ally Week to October and calling it "GLSEN's Solidarity Week."


October is LGBTQ+ History Month and our club usually starts our poster campaign. GLSEN and GSA Network have many educational materials, posters and videos that are shared on campus and with staff. You may have seen them in the library or office windows. We celebrate a different LGBTQ+ historical (or current) figure each day and learn about their contributions to society. 

October 11 (observed Oct. 9) is "Coming Out Day" and GSA members encourage everyone to be supportive and allow anyone who wishes, to come out of the closet and into a club and community that cares.

Plus Halloween!  A GSA favorite.


We are often fundraising in November for our end of year field trip!


Many GSA members volunteer for the Family Holiday Event that Leadership organizes. We work with kids at an arts and crafts table.

 Anh-Dao, Milan, Secilia and RJ distribute ribbons


Transgender Day of Visibility

Armijo GSA distributed ribbons and club information to all interested staff and students. We wanted to show Trans students that "We see you. We love you."

 Passing out ribbons and DOS stickers.


Day of Silence

Armijo GSA sponsors 


every April.

May Santa Cruz Field Trip

 GSA Make up Night at the FF Pride Center

Community Connections

Armijo GSA has been working with the Fairfield Pride Center for many years and our club members have participated in many Pride Center events. We hope to introduce students to the LGBTQ+ resources available outside of school as well. This partnership continues to grow. Some of our former students work and volunteer there too!

Solano Pride Center Serving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning,  and Intersex in Solano County 

1234 Empire St.  Suite 1560, Fairfield, CA 94533