Instructions for Authors

Manuscript Submission

Authors will upload a single .doc/.docx file containing the complete text of the paper and eventually mathematical formulas and symbols, indicating also the positions of the images, tables, graphs, charts, etc. The associated data and images will be sent in separate files: images, charts and graphical representations will be sent as JPEG or PNG files; data tables will be sent as .docx or .xls files.

For research articles, essays or experimental research papers, the length should not exceed max. 20 pages in MS Word, A4 format (1.5 spaced) or max. 10,000 words, including text, formulas, tables, graphical representations, charts, and images. An Article Manuscripts will include the title of the paper, the full contact address of the Corresponding Author and affiliation(s) of the (co-)author(s), an abstract of max. 300 words, a max. number (5) of keywords, text sections’ and subsections’ appropriate numbering, eventually mathematical formulas, symbols and figures, tables and charts - each with appropriate numbering.

Book Reviews

Books recommended for reviews must be sent to the EJPC Editorial Office either by e-mail (if .pdf file available) at the contact address.

A book review text length should not exceed max. 1,000 words.

Each kind of Manuscript will have associated to it a short personal presentation (max. 300 words) of the Corresponding Author and of each of the co-authors. An Author Personal Presentation includes: name, affiliation, current position, research interest, contact address.