The Fighter on the Buffalo

Chien-Chi was a teacher at Fongshan Elementary during a time when Fongshan was a farming community. Chien-Chi himself had come from a family of farmers and knew the importance of education to help families out of a cycle of poverty. So he was deeply troubled by the empty seats in his classroom as students were continually needed to help on the farm by their struggling families. 

Chien-Chi knew that greed and corruption in the government was keeping these families poor and holding the children back in their education. He fought to help farmers unionize and lobby for fair wages during both the Japanese occupation of Taiwan and the early Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) military government.  

Fongshan English Village was established in memory of Chien-Chi by his surviving family. We strive to honor the passion of Chien-Chi for his students by giving students more opportunities for education and improvement of their lives. 

Chien-Chi 1903 -1951



簡吉深知政府的貪婪和腐敗使這些家庭陷入貧困,並阻礙孩子們接受教育。在日本佔領台灣和早期的中國國民黨 (國民黨) 軍政府執政的期間,他努力幫助農民成立運動團體,並遊說爭取公平的權益。
