Persuasive Research

Elements of Persuasive/Argument Papers

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Recommended Databases


Use Classlink>RGC_MC Content Specific Databases>database of choice for automated login, or login in to your school Google account and access the passwords here.

Britannica High School

Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and more.

Gale High School

Explore topics within business and economics, geography, government, history, literature, science and health, social issues, and more.

Integrating reference content, biographies, primary sources, multimedia, critical essays, news, academic journals and more, High School is updated daily, offering nearly 1,000 issue, topic, and geographic pages across the curriculum. Content comes together to provide background and guidance on topics like Government and the Economy, Human Population, Sound and Sound Waves, American Literature, and more.

Gale Global Issues

Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, and more.

Integrating news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more, Global Issues is updated daily and offers 250 country pages and more than 400 issue pages.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints

has updated information and opinions on issues for secondary students. Note: Issues have example essays and sides broken down with noted resources for support.

eBooks (available through Gale eBooks High School)

Use Classlink>RGC_MC Research Databases>database of coice for automated login, or login in to your school Google account and access the passwords here.

Digital Magazines (both current and past issues available in Classlink>RGC_MC Basics>Flipster)

NOTE: Let the User ID and Password automatically fill in, then click the Sign In button under it.

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