Classroom Behavior Expectations

Class Rules:

Being Cooperative:

Participate in class discussions

Follow directions

Do not deceive, cheat, lie, or steal

Work together

Being Respectful:

Use good manners

Be kind to everyone

Pay attention when others are talking

Wait your turn

Being Responsible:

Come to class on time and prepared

Copy homework assignments in planner

Help keep the classroom clean

Complete homework each night


First Time:

Student will receive a warning about their behavior.

Second Time:

Student will have a private discussion with the teacher about their behavior.

Third Time:

Teacher will contact student's parents to discuss behavior.

Fourth Time:

Student will have detention hall after school with the teacher.

Severe Violations:

Student will be referred to the assistant principal's office.


Dragon Dollars:

Student will earn virtual Dragon Dollars throughout the day when they demonstrate positive behaviors. Students can use those Dragon Dollars to purchase items from the PBiS store.


Student will receive tickets in my class when I see them following directions, working hard, and helping others. On Fridays, I will pull tickets out of the jar. The student that wins, chooses a prize from the box.