There are a few ways you can reach your child's teacher. The best is through email. The third grade teachers check their emails every day and make sure to respond as soon as possible. You can also write a note in your child’s planner, Friday take-home folder, or message us on Class Dojo.

Gina Gilmore:

Sasha Pabis:

Lauren-Alex Chase-Boland:

Lauren Rivera:

DES Front Office:

PH: (904) 827-2520

VP: (904) 201-4505


PH: (800) 992-8747

Health Care Center:

PH: (904) 827-2410

VP: (904) 201-3910

Vaill Hall (Dorm):

PH: (904) 827-2806

VP: (904) 201-4461

You can also check Class Dojo on a daily/weekly basis for new posts from our 3rd grade team!

On Class Dojo you will see:

  • Fun pictures of your child and their peers

  • Important dates and announcements

  • Tips for how to help your child at home

You can send messages on Class Dojo directly to your child's teacher with any questions (however, please make sure to send any important information related to pick-up/drop-off or anything else the front office needs to know via email or by phone to the front office).

Click me to join our Class Dojo page!