Imen JEMILI, Dr. in Computer Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant Professor
Cisco Instructor (CCNA, Cyber security operations, IoT)
Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage
Jarzouna, Bizerte 7021, Tunisia
Email : imen.jmili[at]
2018 : Habilitation esis in Computer Science, ”Habilitation `a diriger des Recherches en
informatique”, University of Bordeaux, France.
2005-2009 : Ph.D, University of Bordeaux 1, France
2004-2009 : Ph.D (joint), ENSI, University of Manouba
2000-2002 : Master in Computer Science, ENSI, University of Manouba
1996-2000 : Mastery in Computer Science Management, ISG, Tunis
Professional Experience
Since 2011 : Contact point of Cisco Academy, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage.
Since 2009 : Assistant Professor (Maître Assistante) in Computer Networks at Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage
2005 - 2009 : Lecturer (Assistante permanente) in Computer Sciences at at Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage
2003 - 2005 : Lecturer (Assistante contractuelle) at ISAMM, University of Manouba
Master level Courses :
IP Networks
Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
Local Area networks (Cisco certification CCNA1-4)
Network Architectures and Protocols
Undergraduate courses for 2d and 3d levels of the licence in Network and Telecommunications Technologies :
Local Area Networks and Wireless LAN
Computer Networks level 1 : Introduction to networks
Computer Networks level 2 : Routing and transport
Wide Area Networks and operator networks