Fruitvale ISD
Industry Cluster Innovative Academy
T-STEM Academy
Fruitvale ISD is honored to be the only district in Region 7 that was chosen to receive an Industry Cluster Innovative Academy (ICIA) Success Grant for the 2019-2020 school year. We are partners with Trinity Valley Community College and work hand-in-hand with them to ensure our students leave high school with the skills they need to be successful in their post-secondary path. Currently, we are a designated 6th-12th T-STEM Academy campus.
Industry Cluster Innovative Academy and T-STEM Blueprint Products
Industry Cluster Innovative Academy and T-STEM Blueprint Products
Benchmark 1: School Design
Benchmark 1: School Design
Annual Professional Development Plan (All Teachers)
2021-2022 ICIA and T-STEM Leadership and Advisory Meeting Schedule
2018-2019 Leadership Meeting Agendas and Notes
2019-2020 Leadership Meeting Agendas and Notes
2020-2021 Leadership Meeting Agendas and Notes
2021-2022 Leadership Meeting Agendas and Notes
Benchmark #2: Target Population
Benchmark #2: Target Population
Benchmark #3: Strategic alliances
Benchmark #3: Strategic alliances
Benchmark #4: Curriculum, Instruction, and assessment
Benchmark #4: Curriculum, Instruction, and assessment
benchmark #5: Work-based learning
benchmark #5: Work-based learning
benchmark #6: Student support
benchmark #6: Student support