Data shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on student learning, both across the country and in Fruitvale ISD. With the support of stakeholder feedback, Fruitvale ISD is working to determine how it should potentially spend additional federal dollars to address unfinished learning and COVID-19 recovery.

The American Rescue Plan signed into law in March by President Joe Biden included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country, which is the single largest investment in federal elementary and secondary education in the nation’s history. Fruitvale ISD is in the process of applying to receive this additional funding.


Stakeholder Survey Announcement

ESSER III Survey Input*


Fruitvale ISD has the opportunity to apply for an ESSER III grant to help with Return to school for COVID plans. We would appreciate your feedback on the survey included here as we look to apply for these federal funds. THANK YOU. (closed)

*Originally posted on the district website under news and announcements on 5/14/2021.

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan


As a requirement of the ARP ESSER III federal grant program, we have to maintain a return-to-school plan for the 2021-2022 school year.  In addition, we are required to solicit public comment on this plan.  Please review the draft of our 2021-2022 Return-to-School plan (posted below).  You may submit your public comments using the following form: Return-to-School Plan Public Comments.

Public Comment Period: July 5 - August 5, 2021

2021-2022 Return-to-School Plan (draft 07-05-21)

RETURN TO SCHOOL PLAN updated 07.05.21.pdf