Fruitvale High School P-TECH
Pathways of technology Early College High School
The Fruitvale High School P-TECH program works within our High School program. This program allows students an opportunity to receive both a high school diploma and a credential and/or an associate degree. The hallmark of the P-TECH model is its career focus and the provision of work-based education. P-TECH programs:
Enroll historically underserved students, targeting at-risk and economically disadvantaged
Provide students grade 9 through 12 the opportunity to complete a course of study that combines high school and post-secondary courses
Enable students to earn a high school diploma, along with an associate degree, Level 1 or Level 2 certificate, or industry-based certification within six years
Offer age-appropriate work-based learning opportunity in every grade level
Allow students to gain work experience through an internship, apprenticeship, or other job training program
Align to regional workforce needs, guiding students into high-demand, high-wage careers
Partner with Texas Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and regional businesses and industries, giving students access to post-secondary education and workforce training opportunities
Fruitvale High School P-TECH Program aligns with the following CTE Pathways. Students have the opportunity to complete high school and college coursework as well as earn an industry-based certification. Students can pursue an associate's degree if they meet the TVCC core curriculum and elective requirements.
p-TECH Blueprint Products
Benchmark 1: School Design
Fruitvale ISD Mentor/Mentee Program Handbook
New CTE Teacher Induction Program
Approved District Professional Development Plan
2023-2024 P-TECH Leadership Meeting Schedule
Fruitvale High School P-TECH Program Leadership Team
2023-2024 P-TECH Leadership Meeting Agendas and Minutes
2024-2025 P-TECH Leadership Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Benchmark #2: Target Population
Benchmark #3: Strategic alliances
2023-2024 Advisory Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
2024-2025 Advisory Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Archived Advisory Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
MOU with Christus Health/Trinity Mother Frances
Fruitvale ISD and Christus Health Learner Goals and Roles/Responsibilities
Benchmark #4: Curriculum, Instruction, and assessment
benchmark #5: Work-based learning
2023-2024 P-TECH Work-Based Learning Experiences
2024-2025 P-TECH Work-Based Learning Experiences
2023-2024 Student Artifacts of Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Archived Student Artifacts of Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Regional High Demand Occupation List
Aggregated Data for Student Participation in Work-Based Learning
benchmark #6: Student support
Summer Bridge Program
Tutoring and Intervention Schedules
Family Outreach Events
Counseling/Advisory Events