Homework Page
Please see your Google Classroom for daily assignments and due dates.
Homework Policy
Homework should always be completed on the night that it is given. A-Day homework should be completed on an A-day, and B-day homework should be completed on a B-day. This way, students will have the opportunity to ask questions if they do not understand an assignment.
Homework should be handed in on time. If a student forgets their homework, it is due the following class for PARTIAL credit.
In the case of a paper or project, one letter grade will be taken off for each class a paper or project is not turned in.
Absent work is, of course, an exception. However, students are responsible for coming in to get all assignments and notes that were missed during an absence. Absent work needs to be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
Homework for all blocks: DUE 1/9 A-Day & 9/10 B- Day
Bring in summer reading book and or notes. Assignment will be completed in class.
Bring in all supplies for class. We will be setting up personal and classroom organization.
Homework for Block A-3
Complete plural minuets 6 and 7