Welcome! I am so excited to be your 6th grade math teacher this year. On this page, you will find homework assignments, announcements, important information, and extra practice links. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am most easily reached via email at kelly.guarino (at) frsd.us
Remember to check out the 6A webpage to find out all the information you need from your 6A teachers!
Remember to check out the 6A webpage to find out all the information you need from your 6A teachers!
Parents: Please fill out my Beginning of the School Year Survey!
Parents: Please fill out my Beginning of the School Year Survey!
Check in with all of your teachers via Google Classroom to find your assignments. Any questions you have, please send me an email or comment via Google Classroom.
Need help with a new concept? Looking for more examples of something we learned in class? Check here for some helpful math links.