Holocaust Research

Class article

Ducksters.com Article - "World War II: The Holocaust"

Links to Article #1

Concentration camps article in World Book Online encyclopedia - Bib-sheet for World Book

Kristallnacht article in World Book Online encyclopedia - Bib-sheet for World Book

Warsaw ghetto article in World Book Online encyclopedia - Bib-sheet for World Book

"Life in the Shadows: Hidden Children and the Holocaust" article on United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website - Bib-sheet for a website

Links to Article #2

Concentration camps article in Gale database - Bib-sheet for a Database

Kristallnacht article in Facts on File database - Bib-sheet for a Database

Warsaw ghetto article in Facts on File database - Bib-sheet for a Database

"Hidden Children: Daily Life" article on United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website - Bib-sheet for a website

Pictures for Holocaust Research

Use the following resources to add pictures to your project:

VIDEOS For Holocaust research

  • Video links for ALL TOPICS can be found on watchknowlearn.org (type your topic in the search engine at the top of the page - make sure it is spelled correctly!)
  • Video links for ALL TOPICS can be found on teachertube.com (type your topic in the search engine at the top of the page - make sure it is spelled correctly!)
  • Video links for ALL TOPICS can be found on PBS.org (type your topic in the search engine at the top right-hand side of the page - make sure it is spelled correctly!)
  • Video links for Concentration Camps and Warsaw Ghetto on History.com (type our topic in the search engine at the top of the page - make sure it's spelled correctly! Also, scroll down below the advertisements that pop up.)