Elements & Principles Project

GROUP PROJect on Elements & principles

For students in 7th and 8th grade, this project is worth 100 points. You decide what and how you teach. All projects must be approved by Ms. Sewall.

YOU are the teachers

In your group, you must decide how you will teach the class about the elements and principles of art and design (EP&D). You can do this in any way your group decides.

Requirements: All projects must...

  • You must teach the class about the EP&D
  • include the information from the study guide
  • showcase a famous works of art as an example (artist's names are required)
  • include an activity that is interactive with the class

Some ideas to get you started:

  • Video Skit + interactive quiz or Jeopardy game
  • Visual posters with interactive questions
  • Scavenger Hunt with artwork in the hallways
  • Stop-motion animation explaining EP&D + Kahoot
  • Escape Room!
  • Google Slides + Kahoot
  • Interactive Temporary Paper Mural showcasing the EP&D
  • Game of Pictionary with EP&D
  • Podcast/Song/Rap explaining the EP&D