Library Winter Breakout

It is a dark and stormy night. You are a college student at a prestigious university, and you have once again fallen victim to procrastination. You find yourself huddled in the library the night before winter break trying to finish your research project, hoping that you can complete your work before the library closes.

Just as you share your last Google document with your professor, you hear the automated locks clang on the doors. You are locked in.

Luckily, there is one way to override the system, but you only have 30 minutes to enter all of the codes and break out. Otherwise you will be stuck in the library for the entire winter break, and the vending machine only has one bag of barbecue Fritos and one Diet RC Cola!

The librarian, Mr. Webster, is something of a misanthrope who prefers books to people and can often be seen poring over the dictionary that bears his name. You decide the dictionary will hold the key to getting out of the library alive.

You have to use all of your knowledge about using a dictionary plus resources found on this web site to solve the puzzles and find the codes. Even something that seems incidental on the dictionary page could be a key.