Please make sure to click on the links below to access the physical form and FISD online athletic paperwork, please remember that your athlete must have all paperwork completed prior to participating in any practice/tryout/competition. Thank You.
UIL Physical Form
Click on the link below for the physical form
Once you print the form, Page 1 is filled out by parent/guardian, page 2 by doctor performing physical
Physicals can be performed by your primary care physician or you can obtain a physical at places like CareNow/Primacare
Forms can be uploaded to your athletes Rankone account.
Please do not email a copy, you can either upload your physical to your Rankone account or turn in a hard copy at the football meeting or on the first day of school.
Frisco ISD Rank One Forms
Please use the link below to access the instructions for the forms, these must be completed prior to your athlete participating in tryouts/practice or contests.
Click the link below and scroll down to bottom and click on "Start Online Forms"