Divine Right of Kings

Read this short article about the Divine Right of Kings from Britanica School: http://school.eb.com/levels/high/article/divine-right-of-kings/30680

"... the king’s person and authority were sacred; that his power was modeled on that of a father’s and was absolute, deriving from God; and that he was governed by reason..."

If you were King (or Queen) think of 2-3 reasons that would legitimize your claim to the crown and illustrate them or write them on a crown.

You can decorate the digital crown on your Google Slides presentation or take a picture of one that you color and add it to the slide.

Works Cited

"Divine right of kings." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Jun. 2016. school.eb.com/levels/high/article/divine-right-of-kings/30680. Accessed 24 Oct. 2017.