Frisco Family Tutoring Program

Frisco Family Tutoring Program is a well structured after school program that can provide the necessary elements for an English Learner academic success. The program is designed to help close the gaps in language. Teachers and volunteers work scaffolding assignments for students. When a student does not have homework, the time is invested in teaching them a reading literacy skill. Opportunities for success is offered for parents as well. We offer beginning English classes to parents. Every Wednesday, after school, students and parents can expect an engaging environment where they are given the tools to be independent learners. They are motivated to higher achievement by teachers who understand their needs. English Learner’s endeavours are rewarded with incentives at the end of every session. Weekly communication with parents is key to the success of the program.

Frisco Family Tutoring Program started in 2010. Its success is measured through student academic achievement. Teachers build relationships with “heart in mind”. We supply materials for students to complete assignments and provide parents the tools to learn the English.

See you every Wednesday from 4:30PM - 5:45 PM at Frisco High School in A121 and A122.

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We also offer ESL classes to Adults!

Please sign-up with Remind for important updates!

For additional information, feel free to contact the program coordinators.

Alma Juarez:

Elma Montenegro: