About the Friends
Friends of the Senior Center History
The Friends of the Longmont Senior Center, Inc. incorporated in 1981 as a Colorado non-profit corporation and registered as a 501(c)(3) Federal tax exempt organization with the Internal Revenue Service in 1983.
In the early years donations were few and little marketing was conducted. Soon two annual fundraising events were held which increased the donation base. A Silent Auction and the Generations Golf Tournament both brought in funds and provided exposure of the Friends to the broader community. In 1985 with the opening of the Twin Peaks Mall, the Friends sponsored the Information Booth which included the stroller rental and copying services for mall customers. This generated approximately $10,000 in income. Eventually the Mall took over this service. The Friends then began an annual solicitation campaign and have continued this practice as their main source of fundraising.
In 1987 the Friends promoted and spearheaded a major expansion by raising $350,000 for a 1987 expansion of the Senior Center. Over 4,000 square feet for a home delivery kitchen, offices, daily lunch dining area, health clinic, and a volunteer services office were added. In 2001 the Friends also supported a major renovation and expansion of the Senior Center contributing over $25,000 in enhancements to this city funded project. And recently in 2013 the Friends contributed $10,000 toward a minor expansion of the commercial kitchen area at the Senior Center and have set aside $100,000 for planned renovation of an east side retired fire station to be used for Senior Center activities.
Six significant gifts have been given since 2008 which have greatly increased the fund base of the Friends. These gifts are; $425,000 + from Ed and Anabel Friesen in 2008, $125,000 from Larry and Viola Canfield in 2010, $70,000 from Don Inman in 2011, $43,700 from Rex and Wilma Carnes in 2012, $500,000 + from Marie E. Ewing in 2015, and $600,000+ from Royal and Clarice Offer in 2016 along with the gifts from many other generous donors have provided stabilization and investment opportunities. These funds combined with the generous support of annual donors and those who give in memory or in honor of others have allowed the Friends to greatly increase the support to the Longmont Senior Center.
The Friends on-going funding for the following activities represents over 90% of the Friend’s total expenses each year:
Facility enhancements – equipment, furnishings audio visual amenities and construction
Programs – Support for new and existing activities including cultural, educational and entertainment programs as well as Latino outreach and volunteer support.
Services – Support of various informational and educational programs, end of life, Latino outreach and the last resort financial assistance program.
Support Programs – Support for the counseling service and caregiver education and support.
Awareness – Promotion of the senior center as a focal point for adults 55+ and their caregivers.