Course Scheduling

Course Scheduling Change Request Form

Please click here for the Schedule Change Request Form (pdf) 

Course Scheduling for Rising 10th, 11th, & 12th Graders

Scheduling courses for the 2024-25 school year begins January 2024

Registration will take place through GENESIS, in the same manner as we conducted in previous years.


Counselors will meet with each student in grades 9, 10, and 11 to finalize each schedule.  FRHSD is an open access district; a student can self-select into the honors level of a course. 

Course Scheduling for Incoming 9th Graders

Recommendations for 9th grade courses are based on 7th grade final grades and 8th grade marking period 1 grades.  Honors placement is based on grade criteria observed in historical performance data indicative of success in FRHSD honors courses.  FRHSD is an open access district; a student can self-select into the honors level of a course.  Communication with the FRHSD department supervisor to inform these placement decisions is suggested. If you have any questions or concerns regarding student course recommendations or placement, please reach out to the guidance office at (732) 617-8393 x6032 or x6033. You will be directed to a school counselor who will address your concerns and questions.

NJ State Graduation Requirements 

Elective Options

Check out our Electives information here  to help with your scheduling.