Special Education Programs

Special Education Programs

The special education programs for classified students are offered through the Office of Special Services. Student programs are selected in collaboration with the student, parents, and the high school child study teams. The district program offerings include:

Pull-Out Resource (POR) Program

The Pull-Out Resource Program is offered to students who experience difficulty with the rigor, pace and/or structure of mainstream academic subjects: English, mathematics, social studies and science. Small group instruction is provided by highly qualified teachers who modify the general curriculum to meet the individual needs of students. Efforts are made to transition students into mainstream classes by teaching compensatory skills and strategies. 

In-Class Resource (ICR) Program

The In-Class Resource Program is designed to provide support services to classified students in the general education setting in the content areas of English, mathematics, science, and social studies. Two teachers, a certified special education teacher and a content area general education teacher, work collaboratively to instruct and assist students within the classroom environment. All students are expected to meet general education curricular requirements with individualized instructional strategies and modifications. 

Learning and Language Disability (LLD) Program

The LLD Program is designed to provide students who require greater academic and social support in the core academic subjects using a modified curriculum guide. Students are provided with vocational opportunities to acquire job related skills through the district's Student Transition Employment Program (STEP) and the Monmouth County Vocational School. 

Associated Curriculum Guides

Cognitive Mild Program

The Cognitive Mild Program is designed to provide a departmentalized program that offers students academic and social skills required for post-secondary experiences. Opportunities for mainstreaming are encouraged on an individual basis. The program specializes in developing those academic and social skills required for post-secondary experiences. Students are provided with vocational opportunities to acquire job related skills through the district's Student Transition Employment Program (STEP) and the Monmouth County Vocational School. 

Associated Curriculum Guides:

Cognitive Moderate Program

The Cognitive Moderate program prepares students to develop independence in a supervised learning environment with emphasis placed on enhancing skills in the academic areas and focuses on the development of functional life skills and vocational training. Students receive their job training within the school setting, and at age 18 they begin the vocational assessment component of the program. During vocational assessment, the students are accompanied by a teacher to an approved training site within the community. During the training process, students continue to receive ongoing related academic instruction. 

Associated Curriculum Guides

Autism Spectrum Program

The Autism Spectrum Program prepares students to maximize achievement and skills according to their individual potential in the areas of language pragmatics and communication, social interaction, academic course work, functional life skills, and vocational skills. Academic course work is individualized within the program. Utilizing a behavioral approach, the program seeks to increase a student’s independent functioning within the school, home, and community. Eleventh grade students begin to receive job training within the school setting and community under the supervision of a certified job coach. 

Associated Curriculum Guides

Regional Learning Academy (RLA)

The RLA, a behavioral disabilities program, meets the emotional, social, and academic needs of students, while offering them the opportunity to be part of a comprehensive high school. This program integrates the educational curriculum with a therapeutic treatment program to assist each student in achieving his/her maximum potential. This program offers students a highly structured therapeutic environment with the opportunity for mainstreaming.

Workplace Training Program (WTP)

The Workplace Training Program offers eligible students transitional services that focus on functional academics, career exploration and life skills development. This program closely links school-based classroom instruction with community-based workplace training to help prepare students for life beyond high school. 

Associated Curriculum Guides

Alternative Vocational Programs

The Monmouth County Vocational School District operates several alternative programs for students. The FRHSD and Monmouth County Vocational School District staff works with students and parents to determine if any of the vocational programs are right for that student. Programs include: The Career Center; KIVA High School; and CLASS Academy. 

Special Programs Mathematics

Special Programs Mathematics is designed to guide the learning of students aged fourteen to twenty-one. It provides a common set of goals and expectations in the areas of number and quantity, algebra and functions reasoning, geometry, and statistics and probability. Units’ goals ensure that the big ideas provide students with mathematical knowledge that leads to success in their personal and professional lives. To appropriately address the educational needs of all students, differential instructional levels have been incorporated into the curriculum. The differential levels permit instruction to meet the goals and objectives of each student’s Individual Education Plan.  

Student Transition Employment Program (STEP)

The Vocational Assessment Student Transition Employment Program (STEP) course develops work-readiness experiences designed for students with disabilities to attain employability and independent living skills. STEP encompasses school-based classroom instruction and community-based structured learning experiences (SLE’s), providing students with career awareness and exploration. The course supports students in further understanding career and independent living skills through SLEs and community-based instruction. Students make connections between their personal lives, classroom experiences, and their community-based experiences. Students are immersed in authentic, real-world employment settings with an opportunity to participate in unpaid work experiences at a variety of job sites. The goal of the course is to help students develop and generalize functional work habits developed in the classroom to authentic, community-based work experiences and independent living that transfer to post-secondary placement at their maximum potential. 

Adaptive Physical Education

Reading Workshop