Next Steps with Google Classroom

It is not a quest for paperless. It is about improving interactions!

Well shoot... I messed up. I thought I had finished this but I guess I didn't even start it. I did spend a long time on that challenge spreadsheet :) Let the challenge spreadsheet distract you for awhile while I get these Google Classroom tips loaded.

Alice's Favorite Tip

Turn on "Show Attachments and Details"

This is essential (and a relatively new feature). Go to the SETTINGS COG at the top right and at the bottom under General settings change from "Show condensed notifications" to "Show attachments and details."

Setting attachments and details.webm

All About the Classwork Page

Google Classroom is designed to be organized by topics on the CLASSWORK PAGE!

Click over on the CLASSWORK tab to create assignments and organize with TOPICS!

5 Ways to Innovate with Google Classroom

Throwing your stuff online does not make learning better! Remember what you were doing before was designed for paper.

No matter the medium, design for student engagement.

Here are my tips for using Google Classroom that you will find in my introduction workshop on Google Classroom.

  1. Add EVERYTHING digital or not to Google Classroom. Post the directions. The activity does not have to be digital, but the directions are. Eliminate "What did I miss?"
  2. Post Questions. Use the Create button on the Classwork page to "Ask a Question." This is a game changer in that it allows you to hear from ALL students instead of the same 1 or 2. Everyone gets to participate.
  3. DO NOT MAKE COPIES! Opt out of making giant piles of paperwork for yourself! Think differently! Google Classroom can replace the copy machine but digital paperwork is still paperwork! Try using digital tools such as or or and many others that have improved student engagement and do the grading for you!
  4. ONE document not 30. Instead of "Make a copy for each student" make ONE Google Slides and add into Google Classroom as "Students can edit." Collaborate!
  5. Assign students to respond in the Private Comments of an assignment. Have ZERO documents to open (yay) and instead assign a conversation! Students respond in the Private Comments and you reply. Relationship building and faster feedback!

Make 20% or less of your assignments be an individual copy per student.

You are a human being who can't give high enough quality feedback on everything. So don't try. Restrict "Make a copy for every student" to the FEW assignments you are able to give high quality feedback on.

No Topic is Pinned to the Top

Topics and assignments can be DRAGGED around the CLASSWORK page to organize the topics. If you do not assign a topic, it will be pinned to the top of Classwork.