Get to know Mr. Wilson

Welcome to Mr. Wilson's 8'th Grade Science Class.

I am from Toledo and graduated from St. Francis De Sales High School in 1998. I then went on to earn my B.E. degree at The University of Toledo. I previously taught six years of social studies at the Knight Academy in Toledo, taught a year of 6th grade science at FMS, spent four years as the head of credit recovery at Ross, and this is my fifth year teaching 8th grade science at FMS . I plan on pursuing my master’s degree within the next few years. I have been married for fourteen years and have a ten year old daughter.  I also have been coaching both junior high and high school basketball for the last 23 years. 

 There is so much for us to accomplish this year. I am committed to creating an environment in which every child can thrive, both academically and personally. I envision a climate where we can celebrate our differences and nurture our individual talents and abilities. I am dedicated to helping your child prepare for a future that will be brighter because of his or her contributions. My expectations are high. Respecting one another, understanding one another, and cooperating with one another are among them.

I have attached a slide show with a little more information about me.


Course Overview

This course will focus on earth science, life science, and physical science topics. The goal will be to prepare you for high school coursework, the Ohio 8th grade science test, and for students to become life long critical thinkers. I also hope to help you learn the value of education, dedication, responsibility and respect. 

Grade 8 Science Syllabus 2020

Course Syllabus

Click on the picture to the left to view the class syllabus. 


Things to do and return to school: