Mr. Smith's Class


I am your Social Studies teacher! :)


Google Voice: call or text: 567-280-0119

Team Toledo Information Hub:

My name is Ryan Smith and I will be teaching Social Studies this year on Team Toledo. I am very excited for the 2023-2024 school year and you should be too.  

I have been teaching for 23 years and most of those years were in the elementary setting, teaching 3rd and 4th grade at Croghan. Moving to the Middle School has always been a goal of mine and I love the challenge. So, let's have the best year ever! Go Little Giants!

I love spending time with my family and enjoying all of the activities my kids participate in.  Ballet, volleyball, track and field, basketball, softball, church and anything else we may do as a family. I'm a huge sports fan, GO Steelers, Yankees, and Buckeyes!