Phil Moran

Fremont Ross High School

World History and Psychology Teacher and Swimming Coach Website

Welcome to my site.  I am currently teaching World History and Psychology at Fremont Ross High School.  I am also the Head Coach for Fremont Ross Swimming and Diving

Keep it fresh and relevant by updating it at planned intervals and letting users know what you plan to accomplish for the week, month, semester and/or school year.

Psychology Course Overview

This course is designed to be an introduction to psychology for the average to above average reading level student.  The topics included will be:  a brief history of psychology, psychological methods and research experiments, patterns of human development, heredity and environment, biological influences on behavior, understanding and measuring one’s personality, the principles of learning and thinking, measuring intellectual ability and the nature of intelligence, the investigation of psychological disorders and various kinds of treatment of these disorders. 

World History Course Overview

This course includes a number of concepts relevant to the study of World History.  These topics include:  the Enlightenment and Revolution, the French Revolution and Napoleon, Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West, Industrial Revolution, An Age of Democracy and Progress, the Age of Imperialism, Transformations Around the Globe, WWI/II, Years of Crisis, Restructuring the Postwar World, Colonies Become New Nations, Struggles for Democracy, and Global Independence.

Fremont Ross Swimming and Diving Overview

This site contains Team and Meet Information and A Complete History of Swimming since 1994.