Logging In To Google

Most of the internal documents will be setup to restrict access to certain individuals, based on their email address. This page will help you setup a password so that you can view items that you've been given access to.

When someone sends me a link to something in a Google Drive, how do I login?

When you access the link, if you aren't already logged in with a Google account, you will be asked to sign in.

If you have already created a Google account, enter that email address, click Next, and then enter the password associated with your Google account.

If you don't have a Google account, click Create account.

The default is to have you create a Google account with a @gmail.com email address. But you should use your current email address, so click Use my current email address instead.

Here you enter your name and your current email address (use the email address where you received the link). You also set a password. This does not change the password for your current email account, it just sets the password you would use to access Google Drive files. You can use the same password that you use for your email if you wish. Then click Next.

Finally, Google will send you an email at the address you provided to make sure that it's yours. When you receive the email (check your Spam folder), enter the code and click Verify.

What if I already have a @gmail.com address that I want to use, but I didn't received the email there?

If you already have a Gmail address that you'd like to use, email help@freemasonstreet.org your Gmail address and the link you were sent so that your Gmail address can be added to the email list. To forward all email that comes to your Gmail address to your regular email address, see http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=10957 (or email help@freemasonstreet.org if you have questions).

Who do I contact if I'm having trouble logging in?

Please send an email to help@freemasonstreet.org. This will be received by members of the IT committee, one of whom can help you.