FreemanSoft Inc.

Located near Washington DC

Phone: 301 279 2387


You can find presentations and papers on our blog

Open source and example code can be found in our GitHub repository.

Personal pages have been migrated off the site to various blog sites.

Software projects often succeed or fail based on the people processes more than the technical issues. It is the politics and personalities of a project that have more impact on its odds of failure than the technical merit of individual decisions. FreemanSoft Inc. works with its customers to insure that these issues are covered as well as the technical issues more commonly addressed in software development.

FreemanSoft Inc. provides systems architecture design skills for distributed systems in Inter/Intranet application environments. FreemanSoft focuses on the methods and processes that help create repeatable stable software releases and supportable installations. These processes include analysis, OO design, team building, mentoring design process implementation and release cycle process management. Our primary technical bias is towards open systems based object oriented software development on Java platforms.

FreemanSoft Inc. also provides consultative services in intranet and extranet development and deployments based on Java Spring application servers, serverless computing in AWS and Azure. FreemanSoft has experience with open source products including Spring, Maven, Gradle, C#, BPM and various CI and CD platforms.