
We have been discussing weather in science! As part of this unit, we conducted an experiment to understand how clouds make rain. Using shaving cream, water, and food coloring, students created their own "rain clouds" and "rain droplets" to see what happens when clouds become too heavy with water. Students made predictions about what would happen, then discussed their observations afterwards.

After our experiment we had fun playing with the leftover shaving cream!!

We had a guest scientist visit our classroom last week! Mrs. Lanyi, a former kindergarten teacher at FES, prepared three awesome science experiments for our class! This included a primary colors Skittles Rainbow, Elephant Toothpaste, and Miniature Lava Lamps! The students' faces say it all :)

We investigated whether a pumpkin would sink or float! Students made hypotheses about what would happen when the pumpkin went in the water.

To students' surprise, the pumpkin floated! We discussed why this might be and also recorded information from our pumpkin investigation.

Miah was the only student to predict that the pumpkin would float!

We used our prior knowledge about apples from our Apple Unit last month to compare and contrast apples and pumpkins! We noticed several similarities and differences!