Mindfulness Resources for Students

Mindfulness is a way to be present in your body and mind without being distracted and upset about what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future. It is a great way to settle your mind and emotions! Heartfulness is an important component of mindfulness at it helps us be grateful and kind.

Take a look at all of the great resources on this page to learn more and to get started practicing mindfulness!

What is mindfulness? Take a look at Mind Yeti to find out! You can also visit Mindyeti.com which is a website that has lots of great free mindfulness practice sessions!

Mindfulness can help you with difficult emotions like anger, sadness and worry!

Do you know what your pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus do? This 1st grader knows and is teaching about them and about how mindfulness helps turn them on to help him make good decisions and remember things!

A Sample Mindful School Lesson on Mindful Breathing

Want to know more about mindfulness, yoga and relaxation? Check out Cosmic Kids Yoga's Zen Den! One video is linked below and there are many free mindfulness practice videos to check out on their site, click here to access it!