
Emotions Narrative: (Anthony Ambrose Jack Gundaker Daria Asgarzadeh Zoha Rehman examples)

  • Task 1:

Complete your emotions worksheet.

Task 2:

Using Google Docs or Slides, choose 5 emotions from your worksheet and find a character for each emotion. The character can be from a classic fairy tale, old story, TV show, cartoon, book, or movie that is known for showing that emotion. Write the emotion, the name of the character, and include a picture. You can only use a character once. YOU CANNOT USE CHARACTERS FROM INSIDE OUT OR THE EMOJI MOVIE.

Task 3:

Create a story using all 5 emotions throughout the story. You can use one of the characters from above and write about them or create your own. Your story must have:

An introduction


Happy ending

Task 4:

Share your work with me... lmoynihan@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us