Star Student of the Week

Star Student of the Week will begin in October. Each Friday a name will be selected at random from our jar to be the following week's Star Student. A letter will be sent home on Friday so that the student can prepare his/her items for the upcoming week.

This is what the schedule will look like when a child is selected for Star Student. Please do not send in these items now.

Monday: Poster: Student will share his/her poster with the class (poster will already be at school). It will be hung in the classroom all week.

Wednesday: Favorite Book: Student will bring in one of his/her favorite books to read to the class (or I can read it).

Friday: Sharing Sack: Student will bring in a small backpack with special items to share with the class. The items need to have meaning such as a trophy or memorable toy from a vacation. He/she should only bring in 4 or 5 items.