In our classroom, we use Google Classroom for assignments and additional resources. Ask your child to show you Google Classroom at home to see all of the amazing things we do each and every day! :)

Learning Target #1: I can determine the locations of places and interpret information available on maps and globes.

Learning Target #2: I can describe the different parts of a map and how a map is used.

  • Freckle: Map Features article
  • Driving Question: How many common parts of a map are there?
  • Create our own map: Amusement Park
  • Map Vocabulary:
    • Legend/Key, Compass Rose, Symbols, Map Grid, Distance Scale
  • Extension/Enrichment: Dash and Dot World Adventure

Learning Target #3: I can identify, order, and plot points on a map using latitude and longitude.

  • The equator is zero degrees latitude and the prime meridian is zero degrees longitude.
  • Longitude and Latitude BrainPoP
  • Using Longitude and Latitude on a Map Activity
  • Freckle: Longitude and Latitude Activity

Learning Target #4: I can determine the difference between various maps, recognize each map’s purpose, and determine when it’s appropriate to use each map.

  • Freckle: Map Gallery Walk
    • What does this map show? What might be the purpose of this map? Who might use this map?
  • Similarities and Differences between maps
  • Determining which type of map we would choose to use for a specific purpose

Learning Target #5: I can understand that scale is a guide that explains the relationships between real distances on Earth and distances on a map and determine distances on a map using a given scale.

  • Locate the distance scale on the Map of New Jersey.
  • Let's use the scale to estimate the distance between two cities.
  • Extension: Create a video tutorial explaining how to use a distance scale on a map. Describe the challenges you may face and what you would do to overcome those challenges.

Digital Choice Board:

Digital Station Resource Choice Board_Map Skills Unit